Shiku's sister and brother were
successful at the Champion show December 13th in UK. Kwenobe Balfen Cherika
At Ridingbank "Breeze" achived CC and BOB and GB Ch.Kwenobe
Balfen Hullanta JW Sh.CM |
THE GIRLS WHO MADE IT! GRANDSLAM IN STOCKHOLM DECEMBER 6th. AT DOG/08 The judge Lena Danker from Finland repeated her judging from the Specialty in June; Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy achived Best Bitch and Triss´s daugther Marion Molier "Tess" won the Open class with CAC and was finally placed third. Shiku achivbed third Best Male. We also won the Breeder class, included our other Champions Meduza och Fazer.70 Leonberger were entered. The Club stand was very nice presented this year too. (below)
Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy won her last CACIB for the International Championtitle in Tartu, Estonia November 8th. She also achived BOS and her Estonian Championtitle. Shiku achived BOB with CACIB and also his Estonian Championship. Leif Ragnar Hjort, Norway was judging 17 Leonberger. We also won the brace (couple). |
Kwenobe Balfen Hullanta "Lanta" achived his seventh!!! CC and BOB at the Midland counties show October 26th judged by Mr Peter Jolley. Well done Bev & Pete Hellewell. Handler was as usual the handsome guy Bill Crawley. |
Dragongårdens Freak Out Fellow "Roope" achive CAC and Best male at the National show in Latvia October 18th. Congratulations Piia to Roope's third CAC! |
Belgium, Charleroi International October 12th,"Largo" Dragongårdens Humphrey Bogart achived CAC and CACIB. Many congratulations to the owners Philippe och Sophie Chauvaux.
Dragongårdens Calypso de Cacique "Calyph" was successful in Australia recently. At the Royal Melbourne Show September 27th he achived BOB puppy. July 27th he was also BIS-puppy at the Rare Breed Championship.Many congratulations to the owners Jenny och Marshall Pardee. |
HUNGARY BUDAPEST EUROPEAN DOG SHOW OCTOBER 3-4. October 3 were 54 Leos entered under two judges; Göran Bodegård and Csaba Pettkó. October 4 was the Europa Winning show were Uwe Fischer judged 78 dogs. ICH HJCH HCH HShCH Dragongårdens Private Dancer achived the fourth place both days in Champion class with Excellent. Congratulations to Monika Nyitrai and Lajos Mészáros!
Click here for all results |
FINLAND Eckerö / Åland Int.Sept. 27th 23 Leonberger were judged under Per Svarstad. Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy
CAC, Finish Champion, CACIB
and BOS! Shiku CAC, Finish and Nordic Champion with R-CACIB! Well done to Helena and "Plexus" Lejonklippans Humpty Dumpty, who achived his last CACIB for his Internationel Championtitle, he also won BOB and Group-2
DENMARK Ballerup International Sept.21st Shiku CAC, Danish Champion, CACIB and BOB! Thank you Susan for photos! Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy "Crazy", had an Excellent and a second place. |
Club Show Forsheda September 14th. Dragongårdens Caracas de Cacique and Cartagena de Cacique were both placed in their puppy classes. Shiku achived second best male and Crazy third in Champion class.We also had a second placed breeder group.
Dragongårdens Simply The Best "Atlas" achived CAC, CACIB and BOS at the International Show in Visby at August 31st. Well done Annika, Mikaela and Atlas!
August 17th International show in Nyköping Grandslam - again! BOB, BOS and Group-3! Dragongårdens Overnight Sensation "Lovis" CAC, CACIB and BOS. Kwenobe Balfen Shiku CACIB BOB and finally Group-3. Dragongårdens Mendoza "Meduza" fourth best female and Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy "Crazy" fifth best female. Meduza was also third placed at the National show in Norrköping on Saturday. |
Dragongårdens Beyond The Blue "Venus" (new photo will be published later) achived her Champion title at the United Kennel Club show August 2nd. The success continued in August with; August 9 Stevensville, MI (show 1) Reserve Best In Show, judge Richard Klatt. (show 2) Best In Show, judge Maude Tank. August 16 La Porte, IN (show 1) Reserve Best In Show, judge David Arthur. (show 2) Group-2, judge Deb Beene. August 17 Whitmore Lk, MI (show 1) Group-3, judge Austina Heinz (show 2) Group-3, judge Fred Bock. Many congratulations to Wendy Jones and Julie Hatlas-Pepper!
AUGUST 2-3rd IN SVEG AND SVENSTAVIK,TWO SHOWS WERE HELD. THE SPECIALTY AND AN INTERNATIONELL SHOW. 80 dogs were entered and the Swedish judge Ulrica Göransson did the Clubshow and Geoff Kill (Australia) the Int.show. Shiku achived Best male both days and also won CACIB on Sunday. We had four females (two mothers and daughters) in the breeder class both days; Crazy/ Meduza and Lovis/ Beda. Beda ( Block the Breeze)also won the Youth class on Saturday and her mum Lovis (Overnight Sensation) the Open class with CAC on Sunday. Crazy and her daugther Meduza were placed and Crazy also achived Res-CACIB on Sunday and Meduza Res best female.Well done to all! |
Photo galleries from the World show week, are published below. Pictures from the party will be published shortly.
WORLD WINNER SHOW JULY 3RD. Guido Perosino (Italy) judged the males and Kurt Nilsson (Sweden) the females. (gallery from the World Show) Best couple (brace) was Kwenobe Balfen Shiku and Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy. BOB Veteran and World Veteran Winner won by Grizzly, now more than 10 years old! He competed in the group at the finals and was one of six picked of all World Top winners! He shown his best part and just flow over the floor. Shiku achived Excellent and was picked as number five of 32 males in the big Open class. Crazy was placed third with Excellent, in hard competetion in the Champion class with 17 females. Grizzlys beautiful off-springs won grand slam; his grand daughter Mathoaka's Vårvind "Luna" achived BOB and World Winner, and her daugther Supershine-Me "Fiona" achived Junior World Winner. Grizzlys daugther, Luna´s mother, Mathoaka's Eihwaz Av Runa was fourth placed in the Champion class. Second placed in Champion females was another of my favorites, Kusbolejonet Interesting Dream. Another grand daugther to Grizzly, Altonstigens Elanor achived the CAC in open class.Well done to Elise, Lotta, Rolf, Catrin,Per, Lasse, Ingela, Cathrine and Niklas. Unfortunately we didn't have a breeder class this day.Thanks Cyd, Sergey, Tina and Carina for nice pictures! |
AT THE CIRCUIT ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORLD SHOW JULY 2ND. ( gallery from the Specialty) Leif-Ragnar Hjort (Norway) judged the males and Manlio Massa (Italy) the females. Shiku was placed second in the open class and competed with 31 males. Grizzly won BOB Veteran. We also competed in brace with Shiku and Crazy. We won the breeder class with Dennery de Lucia, Drive Me Crazy, Mendoza and Block the Breeze. Thanks to everyone who showed and handled the dogs. |
NEW GREAT BRITIAN CH. Kwenobe Balfen Hullanta "Lanta" achived his third CC and his Champion title. The same day his first litter was born in England. Well done Bev & Pete. Handler was the handsome Bill Crawley. |
NEW LCA CHAMPION! Dragongårdens Praslin de Lucia "Kali" achived Best of Winners and won her last points for her Championship. Many congratulations Brenda Frye! |
Finally Shiku achived his Champion title and also became BOB at Borås National Kennel Club show in June 29th. |
Shiku's litter brother Kwenobe Balfen Hullanta "Lanta" achived BOB and his second CC at June 26th. Handled by Bill Crawley. Well done Bev & Pete! |
Many congratulations to Philippe and Sophie Chauvaux in Belgium for their 20 months old "Largo" Dragongårdens Humphrey Bogart and his EXC 1,CAC, CACIB and Best Male at Brussel International Show June 22th.
Dragongårdens Drive Me Crazy "Crazy" achived Best female at the last Clubshow in Motala June 1st. Shiku and Tess were shown for the last time in Intermediate class, and both won their classes! Our other bred dogs, Chiefen, Zenta and Steffy,were all placed and we also won the breeder class. More pictures of Shiku inside and outside the ring.
Dragongårdens Mendoza "Meduza"achived BOS at the Nationalty in Österbybruk at May 25th. Well done Annelie!
Dragongårdens Henri Matisse "Yazzi" won his first R-CAC in Finland at June 8th. Well done Heidi!
Dragongårdens Beyond The Blue "Venus" achived Best In Show under Richard Klatt in Laporte Indiana; USA, May 4th. Many congratulations to Wendy Jones and Julie Hatlas-Pepper!
Congratulations to Helena and Adrian Lutz, when their "Chiefen", Dragongårdens Clint Eastwood, won zwickenklasse with CAC in St.Gallen and Uster in Schwitzerland under Willi Güllix and Gerhard Zerle at May 11th and 18th.His dad "Plexus" also achived CAC in the Champion class and won his Champion title in Switzerland. Chiefen also won the Youth class with RCAC in Denmark the first weekend in May.
Here can you find all the results.
Many congratulations to Philippe and Sophie Chauvaux in Belgium for their 18 months old "Largo" Dragongårdens Humphrey Bogart and his EXC1, RCAC in La Louvière 23th March, and EXC1 in Antwerpen 12th April.
WHAT A FANTASTIC EVENING! I THOUGHT WE HAD ALREADY WON EVERYTHING, BUT I HAD A DREAM WHICH NOW CAME TRUE! GRIZZLY ACHIVED BEST IN SHOW VETERAN AT GRAND HOTEL IN STOCKHOLM MARCH 22nd. ! Champion of Champions Multi Ch Multi Winner Toy poodle "Solnes Rain Maker" and Veteran of Veterans Multi Ch Multi Winner Grizzly vom Dreiburgenland. Judges Dan Ericsson (SWE), Diane Anderson (USA), Jean Jaques Dupas (FRA) and Sergio Pizzorno (URU). The 26 Top-Winning Veterans and 29 Champions all breed in Sweden, were invited to the "Winner of Winners". The Veterans were judged by Sergio Pizzorno. ( 2003 achived Grizzly BIS-2 of the Champion of Champions at the same place)
We competed in heat two and two together. Finally was Grizzly in final against the Top-Winner the Saluki"Badavie Pharaz" , and won.
Two of my competers were the Whippet"Carry On Ebony" and the Farao dog"Antefa's Lotus".
My fantastic support; Carina, Annelie, Katarina and Annika. Thank you for great company! Photo by Litbild Camilla Karlsson and by friends. Thank you! |
Well done Lanta and Lenin, Shiku's litter brothers, for your 1st and 3rd placements in Yearling Class at Crufts. |
Many congratulations to Philippe and Sophie Chauvaux in Belgium for their 16 months old "Largo" Dragongårdens Humphrey Bogart and his EXC2 at Gent February 24th.
February 16th Clubshow in Köping with 209 entered leos. Mia Sandgren was judging the puppies, Olli Kokkonen females and Torbjörn Skaar males. This year we didn't have any puppies entered, however we was busy with the adults. Grizzly was in splended condition in veteran class . He achieved Best veteran and second best male totally! Not to bad for an almost 10 years old male! His grand children were also very successful. "Luna" Mathoaka's Vårvind was BOB. Well done to Luna's owner Elise and breeder Lotta. Luna beated our Triss, Crazy and Meduza, which were placed 2,3 and 4th. Shiku was second placed with res-cac, competed with 18 young males. Joker and Fazer was shown in champion class, Joker achived a fourth place. Fazer won the progeny class and we also won the breeder class, with our champions from 4 combinations. Some of our youngsters were also in the line-up; 2 years old Dragongårdens Dauphin de Lucia "Texas" is upcoming, can't wait to see him again. Strong, big and beautiful. Congratulations to all of you. Thank you very much Lasse, Mikael and Helena for the pictures. |
Dragongårdens Freak Out Fellow "Roope" achived CAC and R-CACIB at Tallinn International Dog Show February 8th. Congratulations Piia to Roope's second CAC! Many regards to all Roope's litters in Finland too.
Julia and Joker's daugther Dragongårdens Praslin de Lucia "Kali" was Winner's Bitch & Best of Opposite at Virginia Show at January 27th. This was her first major, and hopefully not the last. She also passed the evaluation (BACL) so Kali is now rated Category 1. Well done Brenda!
Shiku's litter brother Kwenobe Balfen Hullanta "Lanta" achived BOB and CC at Manchester Dog Show January 17th. 91 Leos were entered . Lanta beated Teamaides Gästrike Gutten "Hjalle", Top Winning male in Sweden, which is on tour in UK. The owner to Lanta is also the breeder to Shiku. Well done Bev! Good luck at Crufts soon!