
National show in Fafe
February 15th

Judge: Jean Jacques Dupas (FR)

Rejsa's sister Daisy (Dragongårdens We Found Love) won one more BOB with CAC from Intermediate class!


National show i Sankt Petersburg
February 15th

Also Boris's litter sister Alisa (Rua Soleil Ulissa Lady In Red) did her debut this weekend and won BOB- & BEST IN SHOW-3 Puppy!! Daddy Marwin is so proud!


International show in Budapest
February 15th

Marwin's son Boris (Rua Soleil Under Angels Wing) completed the four-days show weekend by go all in; BOB and BEST IN SHOW Puppy!!! What a weekend he have had!


International show in Budapest
February 14th

Marwin's son Boris (Rua Soleil Under Angels Wing) won one more BOB!


International show in Budapest
February 13th

Marwin's son Boris (Rua Soleil Under Angels Wing) won BOB- & RunnerUp BEST IN SHOW-Puppy all breeds!!!


International show in Budapest
February 12th

Marwin's firstborn son Boris (Rua Soleil Under Angels Wing) did his debut in the ring at the age of 5 months and won BOB-Puppy!


National show in Vigo
January 25th

Judge: Pedro Sanches Delerue (PT)

Daisy (Dragongårdens We Found Love) finished the weekend with another CAC, CACIB & BOB!


National show in Vigo
January 24th

Judge: Dagmar Klein (RO)

One more FAB showday for Daisy (Dragongårdens We Found Love), CAC & BOB!


International show in Porto
January 18th

Judge: Kamen Litov (BG)

R-CAC and R-CACIB to Daisy (Dragongårdens We Found Love).


International show in Porto
January 17th

Judge: José Vidal (ES)

Our Rejsa's Spanish sister Daisy (Dragongårdens We Found Love) had a great start of the year winning CAC, CACIB, BOB and Mediterranean Winner-2015! Huge congratulations to owner and handler Paio Miguez.